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Five Elements of Self

Led by impassioned high school students, with a desire to mentor and inspire youth, our week-long camps are geared towards middle-school girls.

Each day of the camp focuses on a different element of “Self”: self-care, self-defense, self-expression, self-acceptance, and self-to-others, that when achieved can build confidence and connections with others. The girls participate in a variety of intentional activities in order to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of themselves and one another. Activities include mindful yoga, cooking, art, dance, a social media/digital safety workshop, a self-defense workshop and community service.

Discussions and reflections relate to issues including wellness, healthy friendships, bullying, beauty and body image, safe use of social media and how to make a difference in their communities.

Contact us to find out more about how you can run a Self.I.E. camp in your school or community. 

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